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The configuration is independent of your choice of operating system.

Once you have correctly downloaded and installed AIDA Link, you have to go to the installation directory and open the file with any text editor.


For Windows users, the default installation directory is C:\Program Files(x86)\Technology & Cognition LAB\AIDA Link. and the text editor must be opened as administrator.

Once you have opened the file you must enter the "Integration key" on the line containing app.keys. The Integration Key is provided during the creation of the output flow and is unique for all outputs using AIDA Link.

If you need to set up several streams, simply add all the keys one after the other, separating them with commas as shown in the example.


Every time is updated, the AIDA Link service must be restarted.


For Windows users, this can be done by going to the Windows administration tools, selecting Services, searching and selecting AIDA Link and clicking Restart Service.

If you wish to use a NAS, it is recommended to create a dedicated user for saving documents from AIDA.

Once you have completed the configuration, verify all the parameters entered during the setup of the Destination in AIDA Link.